Lehigh Valley residents will have a hard time forgetting the past year or so, with snow, societal upheavals, politics, and pandemics. We have become jittery about a lot of things we used to take lightly, like a cough or headache — “Do I have COVID?” As we age, we also might become a bit forgetful, and that makes us nervous, too — “I forgot my car keys. Do I have Alzheimer’s?”
Some measure of forgetfulness is common in older folks. When we try to learn new things, our brains may feel like Teflon or saturated sponges. We can find it hard to remember certain . . . uh . . . words or names. Your glasses may seem to relocate on their own, along with a dozen other common items. These may not be signs of serious memory problems, but it doesn’t hurt to look into the situation and take steps to keep your memory sharp.