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Alzheimer’s & Dementia Blog

Aging Life Care Professionals®: Guides and Advocates in Times of Uncertainty

Life in the Lehigh Valley has its uncertainties, just like anywhere else. Although the challenges of living in our area may be somewhat different from other places, there are decisions to make and needs to be met that make seniors anywhere a special group. Life changes, especially those that involve family caregivers, may require the help of educated and experienced professionals who can navigate issues related to aging and elder care. Aging Life Care Professionals® are those specialists.

It’s Great for Seniors To Get Out into the Great Outdoors

Summer is working its way through the Lehigh Valley, and many citizens are working their way out of the doldrums of isolation and boredom. Getting outside is healthy for both body and mind. The bright sun, the bright colors, and the bright sounds of birds and bugs beckon for our attention.

We at South Mountain Memory Care in Emmaus make resident care and safety a priority. The quality of life we offer extends to the design of our buildings and grounds, using the small house model that promotes happiness and connectedness. We also offer a safe and secure outdoor environment that fosters health and fun.

Money Management for the Person with Dementia

senior budgetingreducedMoney and finances are tricky and controversial topics to begin with — very personal. That sensitivity can be magnified when discussing the need to manage money for loved ones with Alzheimer’s or other dementias. When a person is deemed no longer capable of handling their affairs, a guardian or power of attorney or other system may be set up to manage their assets. These informative tips can help you before you reach that stage and help those who may be charged with your care, as well as those who are currently caring for a loved one.

Here are some things to remember before you might become dependent on others for money management.

The “Small House” Concept at South Mountain Proves Itself During COVID-19

suite1 800x500South Mountain Memory Care in Emmaus, Lehigh Valley, is the first privately-owned standalone “Small House” designed memory care community in the Lehigh Valley. This concept has always proven to be effective in giving residents a sense of comfort and security, and the COVID-19 crisis has served to spotlight the advantages of the small house model.

Delirium or Dementia? There Is a Difference That Makes a Difference

When we encounter memory problems, large or small, in ourselves or others — especially among seniors — we may immediately think, “Dementia!” Because that is a common affliction of older folks, it is taken for granted that it must be the cause of every mental problem.


There is another health issue that can have symptoms similar to dementia: delirium. Both conditions cause confusion and are similar on the surface. Although delirium is not the same as dementia, it can be a sign of a more serious health issue, including dementia.

“You’ve Got Mail!”

mailbox letter letterbox mail“You’ve Got Mail!” Moviegoers and AOL subscribers should recognize that phrase. It is AOL’s option for announcing that you’ve received an email. It is also the title of a popular film starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. To many lonely people in the Lehigh Valley and beyond, it’s a welcome reminder that someone cares.

With the introduction of commercial greeting cards in 1846, the effort needed to express one’s feelings and thoughts was somewhat reduced — the need to compose your own personal thoughts was also reduced. At least, you could sign your own name in your own handwriting.

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