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Alzheimer’s & Dementia Blog


Sadness, Depression, or Dementia?

Although golden agers tend to become happier as they age, the blues can often tarnish the glow of contentment. This is natural, but when certain persistent signs appear, an older person may be exhibiting symptoms of depression or even dementia. These conditions can be confusing and need to be clarified.

Small child on telephone

Don’t Let COVID Make You Lose Touch During the Holidays

According to a recent survey, almost half of the public thinks it’s pointless to keep in contact with dementia patients who cannot recognize familiar faces or remember anything “meaningful.”


Home Fire Threats Increase During Cold Weather

November through March is a critical time because people spend more time indoors and depend more on cooking and heating equipment. The Red Cross, along with South Mountain Memory Care of Emmaus, encourages everyone to take these steps to help protect their loved ones and their home.

How To Deal With Post-Holiday Blues and Letdowns

eating with grandpaHolidays in the Lehigh Valley and elsewhere are traditionally — and just about mandatory — times of togetherness, joy, and connections. Nobody likes to be a downer at times like these, but the fact is that not everyone enjoys a Norman Rockwell / Hallmark holiday season. Even if the days bring great frivolity, there is always the day after, and that can lead to post-holiday blues.

Feeling blue after the last “Goodbye” is not unusual, especially for seniors and caregivers. Because seniors may not be as active as younger friends and family members, and are often far away from loved ones or unable to get out much, they are prone to feeling let down once the excitement is over. Such sadness can have long-lasting health consequences, both physically and mentally. Preparing for feelings can help lessen the sadness or keep it at bay entirely. Even the action of making plans can be an emotional boost, as can staying connected with loved ones.

Loneliness Can Be Deadly

woman looking out windowThe COVID-19 pandemic has hit the Lehigh Valley as hard as any place in Pennsylvania and elsewhere. To some, the lockdowns and restrictions are a mere annoyance; to others, it has been life-changing. For a small, yet equally human, portion of the population, not only is the virus physically dangerous — the isolation imposed upon seniors to protect them can be psychologically harmful as well.

While South Mountain Memory Care takes all possible precautions to protect our residents, staff, and visitors, we also provide an environment of 24/7 personal care and attention, and we get to know the residents and their loved ones personally.

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